An Ex-pat Woe :)

Well, it’s been an interesting week.  I’ve been battling depression.  I’m alone so much and when I’m not alone I’m usually taking care of children.  I’m surprised; I didn’t put loads of pressure on myself to survive and thrive in Dutch culture.  I moved here for love.  I am completely devoted to our relationship but my life in Amsterdam sucks.  I’m in the process of taking charge; I’ve joined MeetUp and have been going to various events. It’s not perfect and I haven’t clicked with anyone yet but I will.  We’re also broke and a lot of the fun ex-pat meetup events are expensive (i.e. 60 euros a pop).
I also had a serious conversation with my boyfriend about how we spend time together.  We are now going on weekly dates and devoting more time to talking (not just relaxing after a long school day.)  Have I mentioned he’s a full time grad student?  And doing quite well!  He takes he’s studies quite seriously going to the library everyday until 5:00 (often including weekends). 
Bottom line, I’m depressed but adapting.  I’m trying to stay focused.  My main problem is my job.  Babysitting is not for me and I need a better job.  It can’t happen for a few more months and I need to build a social life.  That’s doable, hey?!
On a different note, boyfriend and I went back to the Ten Katestraat martket place!  I seriously feel like I should be arrested every time I leave.  We spent 10 euros and left with 5 eggplants, 3 small cartons of asparagus, about 10 bell peppers/paprika’s, a huge bag of ginger, 2 bags of Turkish wraps/tortillas, and 32 avocados.  We stopped at a grocery store for a few more provisions (ahem, cheese for the man and olives for me) and then had lunch and photographs in Amsterdams massive Vondelpark.  We made a lovely day and highlight of the weekend.